Wearable Apps - Technology Now On Your Wrist

Wearable Apps - Technology Now On Your Wrist

Mobile phones are no longer the  item of luxury, it is seen more and more as an important gadget that is part of our everyday lives. A mobile phone is not used merely to make and receive calls but has progressed into a mini hand held computer that allows its user access to almost anything in terms of entertainment, information, shopping and even health related apps to name a few. The potential of a wireless handheld device is huge and cannot have a ceiling at present. With online sites moving towards apps to gain more browsers and views one can now have an app for every conceivable thing. No other device has enjoyed this much popularity with almost every individual across the world having some form of handheld device linked by the internet. With users looking for the latest developments to enhance their online experiences the Smartphone has revolutionised internet usage. Android OS is constantly reinventing itself and the Android wear software is another facet of this.

What is Android wear and how useful are Wearable apps?   

Android Wear was to be the next big thing after android apps for wireless devices and while it is still gaining ground it is still among the best SmartWatch Platforms available. The software and the devices for this are constantly getting better so its usage keeps increasing. Wearable apps allow the user to load apps on a compatible device that is like a wristwatch for apps that monitor health and fitness, weather, music etc.

Some of the most popular Wearable apps are :

  • Google Fit, Runtastic

    These help those who are into fitness and need to monitor their daily exercise levels. From counting steps to counting calories these apps can be controlled with a few features on the wristwatch.
  • Android Wear

    This app allows android users to connect to the PlayStore for apps. This also gives suggestions and recommendations for the wear device based on the user’s preferences.
  • Wear Messenger

    This is a SMS application that sounds impossible but is true. The wearer of the device can send texts from their android device with a tiny built in keyboard.  An urgent SMS need not wait.
  • Weather Apps

    The SmartWatch allows the user to check out the current weather conditions and the forecasts as well. This is a great help especially for those who need to plan their outdoors trip like hiking and trekking.

These examples give a good feel of the use of wearable devices. For those in a business especially of fitness, music, weather related activities must invest in an app for wearable devices. This is not a hurdle as there are plenty of professionals available who can design and create an app that is perfect for a SmartWatch or other such wearable devices.

There are many agencies that offer wearable app development services within the USA and this is often a practical and cost effective option. With professionals who are qualified and experienced in all aspects of app development one can comfortably leave the app creation to these experts and concentrate on other more important aspects of one’s business. Find out more about creating wearable apps from this article.



  1. Android Wear was to be the next big thing after android apps for wireless devices and while it is still gaining ground it is still among the best SmartWatch Platforms available. The software and the devices for this are constantly getting better so its usage keeps increasing. Wearable apps allow the user to load apps on a compatible device that is like a wristwatch for apps that monitor health and fitness, weather, music etc.
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